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Project: Thermo-modernization and insulation of building facades: through training for energy efficiency

Our project focused on enhancing the role of non-governmental organizations in promoting energy efficiency and energy-efficient technologies.

In cooperation with public authorities, educational institutions, civil society organizations and specialized enterprises, Energy Innovation Hubs we developed a training course on the arrangement of advanced systems of building facades insulation and conducted an all-Ukrainian competition on the best system of building facades insulation among vocational education institutions.

Our experts created a training course to promote the development and popularization of vocational education in the field of thermo-modernization of buildings.

Vocational education providers acquired the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities in the arrangement of modern systems of insulation of facades of buildings and will be able to put them into practice in the future.

The short-term results of the project
1. More than 100 persons personally involved in energy efficiency and energy conservation measures and took part in project activities – representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (including the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine), heads and specialists of energy efficiency enterprises, representatives of vocational education institutions, energy efficiency experts and specialists responsible for the implementation of small, medium and energy efficient energy efficient technologies business, representatives of NGOs (NGO “School of energy efficiency”, NGO “17&4 Organisationsberatung, GmbH” (Austria), NGO “UedVision”) interested in introducing energy-efficient technologies to citizens.
2. 5 vocational education and training institutions from different regions of Ukraine took part in project activities and training program course on the arrangement of advanced systems of building facades insulation, namely: State Vocational and Technical Educational Institution “Dnipro Regional Center of Vocational and Technical Education; Higher Vocational School № 22, Sarny; State Higher Vocational School “Kharkiv Higher Vocational School of Construction”; Higher Vocational School №24, Zastavna; State Vocational and Technical Educational Institution “Chernihiv Vocational Construction Lyceum”.
3. Established links between vocational education and training institutions providing training in energy efficiency and energy conservation; experts in the field of energy efficiency and energy conservation; specialists of specialized enterprises with experience in implementing energy-efficiency technologies.
4. Teacher`s qualification improved in the field of arrangement of modern systems of insulation of facades of buildings.
5. More than 50 information posts about project activities have been publised in media resources (official web-pages of educational institutions, NGO`s, enterprises, in social Internet networks etc.).
6. A training course on the arrangement of advanced systems of building facades insulation has been developed.
7. Three initial on-line classes by experts of construction enterprises were held for participants of vocational education institutions.
8. 30 participants of vocational education institutions have been trained in the installation of advanced systems of building facades insulation and presented their own models of building facade insulation.
9. Three on-line meetings of the Working Group on the organization of training of participants of vocational education institutions in the technologies of insulation of facades of premises were organized and held.
10. Practical guide of modern systems of thermal modernization and insulation of building facades and methods of their arrangement with color pictures, graphics and schemes, tests, additional materials published.
11. A new format (online&offline with 6 locations) event to select the best project of insulation of facades of buildings with the use of advanced energy-efficient technologies was held.

The long-term results of the project

1. Imposing dialogue between public authorities, educational institutions, civil society organizations and specialized enterprises, which will have an effective impact on the formulation of energy-efficient policies and training of professionals in the field of energy efficiency and energy-efficient technologies.
2. Creating a permanent training base for the training of new specialists in the use of energy-efficient technologies.
3. Exchange of experience in solving energy efficiency problems and finding optimal energy efficient systems with the participation of leading Ukrainian and international experts.
4. Promoting advance thermal modernization systems and insulation of building facades and methods for their arrangement.
5. Using the training course to educate a wide range of people in the field of energy efficiency and energy-efficient technologies

Категорії: Новини

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